Monday, February 11, 2008

Get 'Em, Copps!!!

Today, February 11, 2007, the Advertising Age's Mya Frazier wrote an article on FCC Commissioner Michael Copps (  She outline his history of fighting an uphill battle against the Republican controlled FCC and Big Media organizations.  With the upcoming presidential elections, America may find itself under democratic rule.  And with that rule comes the awesome responsibility of crowning a new FCC chairman. (YEA!!!)  And Copps is just the person to wear that crown.  

Having been part of the "3,500 self-described 'media-reform activists'" as Frazier stated, and having heard him speak to us all and later to a much smaller group of approximately 20, I can honestly say, I worship the ground this man walks on.  He has been part of Washington for longer than I have been alive.  He and his democratic cohort, Jonathan Adelstein, have spent years publicly voicing their dissident opinions regarding media control, fighting against Republicans and huge media conglomerates.  

Both of these men are more than willing to travel anywhere, anytime to speak out for the rights we have as citizens in this country regarding the media.  They will speak out against one corporation owing everything media.  They will tirelessly and without complaint spend several hours discussing how we (the average citizen) can be part of the reform, about how we can take an active role in changing the media.   They stand up and fight for the rights of those too small to be heard over the din made by media giants.  

If we are lucky, Copps will be named the Chairman of the FCC.  He will stand up to the large media companies and tell them they are no longer allowed to eat everything in site.  He will tell them they are not welcome.  He will tell them that Washington is 'closed for business'. 

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